
7k... that's how much typhoon Glenda has cost me, so far (and hoping that that is it) and I'm still computer-less. Sigh. Glenda and PCWorx, actually... the store where I bought my computer from.

What happened to my computer was it became grounded due to the fluctuating electricity caused by Glenda. Now why do I blame PCWorx, too? The electrician who is now fixing my computer told me that the power supply installed was just a generic one and it wasn't enough based on the specs of my computer. So, because of the power supply and the fluctuating electricity, the motherboard and video card were busted.

I had the impression that these computer shops know what they're doing when you ask them to set-up a computer for you. Sigh. Compare this... my computer is just turning two on October while my previous one lasted for about 10 years without me encountering any serious problems like this. It is, in fact, still intact and working until now. I just bought a new one to keep up to date.

Anyway, I can already pick up my computer from the repair shop tomorrow. I'll just need to check and re-install some software as needed. Then I'm back to blogging, yay!