For the Love of...

A couple of friends asked me to do some calligraphy for this windsurfing camp in Anilao that we frequent. I hesitated at first because I don't think that my calligraphy is good enough. But they talked me into it and now, I'm very excited to do the project... calligraphy and some paint decorating. Yay!

I Googled for some ideas and here's what I came up with first...

I had a hard time with the waves (took me several tries before I settled with this one), I don't know how to draw waves. Haha! Also, I thought this was not really appropriate for the camp. It's a windsurfing camp and the peeps there catch wind instead of waves (fine... they do sometimes haha). So, I looked for a more appropriate quote and found this one by Isak Dinesen...

I like this one better. What do you think? Now, the question is, will I be able to replicate this on a much much larger scale? I already bought some poster-sized papers for practice.

I really wish this project will push through and that I'll be able to do it. For the love of Anilao! Wish me luck!

Bookbinding + Old Magazines

I just finished another handmade book, this time using coptic binding. I started working on this one when my computer was at the repair shop. I stopped working on it for sometime when I got my computer back and then I also had to leave for volunteer work. But now, I'm finally done with it and I like how it turned out. Of course, my bookbinding skills still need a lot of improvements but I promise to work on it.

Also, I've found another way to put old magazines to good use (aside from using them on my niece and nephew's school projects)... book covers! I also use some magazine pages to jazz up the spine a little. Here's a peek:

I sprayed the covers a couple layers of clear paint to make it sturdier. But I still have to work on the covers. It feels kinda loose. I'm not sure if it's just me or if it's supposed to be like that.

I'll work on another bookbinding project soon and I'll try another bookbinding method. I'm also working on another handmade project. I'm already 50% done, still have to buy the other materials to be able to finish it, though. What it is... will post about it soon. ^^