Just wanted to share that I'm doing the One Little Word project this year... I won't be joining Ali Edward's class but I'll be doing it on my own, instead. For those of you who is not familiar with the project, You can read all about it here.
So, here's my One Little Word for 2015...

DOWNSIZE is the word I'll be focusing on this year. The word chose me and I even tried to confirm it.
This year, I'll be focusing on downsizing by removing excess or unnecessary baggages in all aspects of my life. I feel physically, emotionally and mentally drained. My heart is heavy and so is my body, obviously. My mind is cluttered and so is the space around me.
Here are things I'll be working on this year (what I have thought of so far):
- Health: Will try my best to shed off some pounds for the obvious reason and also for the sake of my slipped disks.
- People: Will try to let goof people who give me heartaches and try not to push myself to those who obviously don't want me in their lives.
- Organization: Like what I've mentioned, both my mind and the space around me are cluttered. I'll try to organize my mind by removing unnecessary thoughts and feelings. Also, to help me focus and somehow clear my chaotic mind, I will be doing lots of decluttering and organizing, getting rid of things that I don't really need.
- Financial: I'm aiming to be debt free before the year ends and to have saved a little.
How about you, what's your One Little Word?