I went to Daiso to look for their cheap-o fountain pen but it was not in stock (they had lots of refills, however, if you're interested) and instead found these decoration tapes.

The decoration tape is like a correction tape but with print, I'm not sure though if the function is the same or if it's purely decorative. Really up to you, I guess. I bought these to jazz up my letters and post cards. It's PhP 88 a piece but they have a back-to-school promo which is Php 188 for three. Other designs are also available.

Next cheap find which became an instant favorite is this nail polish top coat with a matte finish. It's from the local brand Bobbie and it's only Php 30 a bottle. Amazing, right? I know it has probably been around for some years now but it's my first time to see this. I don't go to malls unless I really have to buy something and when it comes to nail polish, I don't explore much except for the brands that I use. It's easy to apply and dries quickly... really not bad for 30 bucks, plus, it's matte! :D
I'm no coffee expert but I'm loving these...

I keep a couple of these in my office drawer... the Nescafé Berry Mocha when I'm craving for something sweet and the Nescafé Blend & Brew in the Espresso Roast variant when I'm craving for something strong.
Lastly, got these materials from Divisoria for some projects.

I've already forgotten how much I got the natural thread but I'm sure I got it for less than Php 50. The fabric was Php 70 per yard, I didn't attempt to haggle anymore because it was so hot that day, I was already sweating like a pig. Haha. Anyway, will post here when I'm done with the projects using these.