I've decided to make this an All About Me project. I will scrap a page for each prompt then compile them in an album later on. I'm really excited about this because it's been a while since I last scrapped. It's about time I make use of the kits I've been hoarding. (Yes, present tense... meaning I'm still doing the hoarding even though I'm not scrapping anymore. Haha!) And I promise to finish this project even if it takes me until the end of the year to do so. (Hopefully not that long. :P)
This new pocket scrapping trend gave me an idea. I've seen people do scrap pages in the 3x4 size. Instead of that, I'm doing it in the standard 4x6 photo size. This way, it'll be easier for me to compile them into an album because it's a standard photo print size. Here's my first list: Names People Call Me

and a second page... (*The Ting Tings' That's Not My Name playing in my head)

I'm thinking of documenting this whole name thing whenever I go to coffee shops, just for the fun of it. Haha! Here's the list, by the way...

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