Some pictures... here's the front of the planner, the free pen slinger (a backpack inspired pen holder with 6 slots - available in several colors), and the customizable magnetic bookmark (the little white guy).

Here's the back cover with the pen slinger attached. The facial expressions stickers you can use to decorate the front cover for fun.

Here's the pen slinger filled with pens. Cool huh?

I really like the pen slinger except for one thing... when strapped, the straps kinda blocks the pocket like what you can see in the photo.

Another thing I don't like about it is that the pages sometimes tear when you turn them. This one can't be prevented since it's wire-bound.

One more thing that I really don't like about it is that the daily calendar for each month starts on the first Monday and not on the first day of each month. Do you get it? The first day of the month (if it doesn't fall on a Monday) you can find on the previous month, before the doodled monthly divider page. Got it? Sorry but I'm really bad at explaining things.
Now, I'm not a fountain collector but maybe this will be helpful if you want to know if it's fountain pen friendly. I wrote on it with a calligraphy pen using two different inks. "Hello" was written in Indian ink and "annyeong" was written in Parker Quink ink.

Now, the fun part that I really love about... you can personalize it! There's this little bubble on the cover where you can put your name on. I used Sharpie pens on mine...

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