One Little Word: DOWNSIZE

Happy New Year!!!

Just wanted to share that I'm doing the One Little Word project this year... I won't be joining Ali Edward's class but I'll be doing it on my own, instead. For those of you who is not familiar with the project, You can read all about it here.

So, here's my One Little Word for 2015...

DOWNSIZE is the word I'll be focusing on this year. The word chose me and I even tried to confirm it.

This year, I'll be focusing on downsizing by removing excess or unnecessary baggages in all aspects of my life. I feel physically, emotionally and mentally drained. My heart is heavy and so is my body, obviously. My mind is cluttered and so is the space around me.

Here are things I'll be working on this year (what I have thought of so far):
  • Health: Will try my best to shed off some pounds for the obvious reason and also for the sake of my slipped disks.
  • People: Will try to let goof people who give me heartaches and try not to push myself to those who obviously don't want me in their lives.
  • Organization: Like what I've mentioned, both my mind and the space around me are cluttered. I'll try to organize my mind by removing unnecessary thoughts and feelings. Also, to help me focus and somehow clear my chaotic mind, I will be doing lots of decluttering and organizing, getting rid of things that I don't really need.
  • Financial: I'm aiming to be debt free before the year ends and to have saved a little.
I'll be updating this post when I think of new ones to add. At the end of each month, I'll reflect how the word has touched me and will try to post it here. I will also think of a project that I can do to go with this.

How about you, what's your One Little Word?


  1. It is really nice to simplify our life. It would be less stressful and organize. :)

  2. More blessings to come. I wish you a happier and brighter 2015!

  3. I agree, unnecessary baggage really need to be unloaded. I have those too and I should also work on unloading mine. I hope you have an amazing 2015.

  4. Hope that you are able to clear away all the clutter in your life.

  5. I too agree! Let us not make life any more complicated that it already is by letting go of all things that only bring negativity. Personally, I hope to learn not to expect too much from people to save myself some heartaches.

  6. This sounds great. I wish everything is just simple noh? Good luck sis, you can make it!

  7. this year, that's one thing i'm also aiming and less stress :)

  8. I also need to downsize like taking off my excess fats huh! My one word for this year is HOPE! I'm hopeful that 2015 will be a great year for us especially my son. :-)

  9. I guess, I should be doing the same. I can relate with you except for my body size coz I'm already fit but emotionally, I have to do a lot of clean up as well. Thanks for reminding. :)

  10. Nice goal! I think I need to participate with this kind of challenge too! About downsizing, it really covers all aspects of life, not just for material things. Good luck with this!

  11. Having a simple eye will make us happier and even more fulfilled. I like your lettering btw :)

  12. In your point of view, downsizing could be considered as another form of philosophy; that's cutting off the trivialities in life.

  13. I know you can make it Sis. We are aiming for downsize this year too when it comes to our expenses and trying to save money. Cheers for great 2015!:)

  14. I can relate to this post. It is truly a prudent way to expect nothing from others and even wiser to surround yourself with people who will uplift and encourage you. Your blog is also inspiring. I wish I was as creative as you are!

    P.S. Would you please be kind enough to share the workshops you attend? Are they expensive for a beginner like me?

    1. There are a lot of creatives doing workshops every now and then but if you're looking for affordable ones, check out Trade School Manila. They are a group who work on barter. They don't have any schedules right now but keep checking their sites.

  15. I think, still my little word would be balance. Balance balance lang in all aspects of life. Thanks for sharing. I really love what others are aiming for this year. I haven't posted mine yet.

  16. I also agree. Everyone needs to remove unnecessary thoughts and feelings and unwelcome the stress.

  17. This is my 2nd comment. I don't know my first comment didn't get it through. I mentioned on the first that downsizing is an attitude of humbling oneself for rebuke, instruction with the purpose of making any amends for a shortcoming for that matter. (2nd comment of 2 - Gil Camporazo)

  18. oh, good luck!. That is quite difficult for me. I plan to downsize even just for the clothes. My closet is full of years of clothes and I am no fashionista.

  19. Small word but has a great meaning.
    I agree that we need to shed those extra baggage in our life. We must keep ourselves on a positive side.

  20. I also need to downsize not only my excess body fats but as well as our closet full of old clothes. I'll be scheduling the clean-up before Feb 5 and segregate the clothes that we'll be giving away to hubby's relatives back in the province.

  21. What a nice word for 2015. I think I also need to downsize in some areas of my life. Good Luck in your word for the year.

  22. It is passion for me. Although, downsize comes in a close second since I am downsizing from my size to my lifestyle. I chose passion since I am pursuing what I love the most.

  23. Downsize for me means trying to lose weight hehe. I got to go back to running
